What to expect
on your first visit and beyond......

What to Expect When You Visit

Our services consist of worship through music, followed by a time of teaching, and are about 90 minutes long. Our Senior Pastor brings inspirational messages of truth, hope, and love as God leads him. Brown's Temple is made of born-again and baptized Holy Ghost-Filled believers, who regularly join together on the Lord's Day for worship, fellowship, and ministry.



We have parking available all around the church, with handicapped parking located near the entrance of our church sanctuary.



We know visiting a new church can be intimidating; that is why we have a hospitality team who would love to meet you as you feel and experience the love of God.



Come as you are! We care about you and not what you are wearing. God expects us to wear our very best, whether it is dressy or casual. We should always dress as if we are going to meet someone important (and there is no one more important than God). We want you to feel welcome. 


Food and Drink

Please consume food and beverages in the foyer. If necessary, or dealing with small children, you may use the fellowship hall to finish your meal.


For More Questions

If you have any additional questions, email us at brownstemplefbhchurch@aol.com, and we hope to meet you this upcoming Sunday!